Wednesday, December 12, 2018

wonders in the heavens

I wrote this a year ago but let it sit, as I sometimes do.

The fact that Adelaide will host the new Australian Space Agency, announced this week, made me remember it. 

Wonders in the heavens and signs on the earth

A few months ago, August 2017, scientific instruments detected a huge explosion in another galaxy. Its got a lot of attention –for one thing the new gravity wave detectors were the first instruments to see pick it up.

I believe God is releasing prophetic meanings and keys here as well. The event shows his nature and contains prophetic parallels.

Psalm 19 tell us "the heavens declare his glory" and "pour forth speech" and so there are things to tune into here.

Shaking the Heavens and the Earth

The neutron stars bend space as they spiral in to a final collision, which creates the gravity waves – that travel outwards from the event.

We pick up the cosmic tremor, like detecting the tremor of a distant earthquake.

I thought of the echo of Hebrews 12:26

“Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.”

The passage says the first shaking was the voice of God in the old covenant. Thunder and fire came down on Mt Sinai – shaking the earth.

The Message describes it like this. They came to:

“a volcanic blaze and earthshaking rumble—to hear God speak. The earsplitting words and soul-shaking message terrified them”

Hebrews goes on to say we have better news , about Jesus, including “thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to a new covenant … ” (NIV)

But it still includes a warning and promise of one more heavenly shaking.

The silver is mine and the gold is mine.

When neutron stars collide, its nuclear powered fireworks. Huge amounts of energy and super heated matter gets released. For a few days the explosion gives off a lot more energy than a whole galaxy of stars; and its intense enough to make a whole range of new elements.

Gold gets made in the fireworks; lots of it. Maybe 3 times the mass of the earth in gold was made in this collision. We know because its all superheated, and we can see the frequency of light that clouds of hot gold give off.
So we’ve just seen gold being made in the stars, for the first time.

As I read the “shaking the heavens’ in Hebrews, I noticed its a quotation from Haggai 2. It’s a prophecy of the glory of the renewed house of God. And both shaking and gold are in view

This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.  I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty.  ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty.  (Haggai 2:7-9)

So, scientifically, gold is released by the joining of these dense and massive stars, and the heavens shake.

Prophetically, we see the glory of his promised covenant, the new house that fills all creation, is declared in the shaking and the new gold.

Solomon temple’s took lots of gold to build – but He knew God was bigger, and that all even the highest high heavens could not contain him.

So some key themes:

(1) The joining of any parts, is where the fruit is, where the new gold will be. In new joinings, in drawings together of various kinds.

(2) For example as the dense core of apostolic hubs connect – as hubs circle in around other, energy and light and new elements, new gold is released.

(3) Consider Adelaide and Bendigo as 'neutron stars' .

An ABC article about all this described Adelaide “as about size of a neutron star”. Others have prophetically seen Todd H like a neutron star. 

As the Todd’s connect, and as Bendigo (city of gold) and Adelaide, size of a neutron star, spiral in, dawn together by the weight of God’s deposit in each other, and each others hub, things happen; new things get released – energy and precious metals are released.


  1. Rob, if a neutron star gains mass in a gradual way, then the most likely course of events will be that its radius will decrease (that is what happens in objects supported by degenerate matter) until it reaches a General Relativistic instability where its collapse to a black hole is inevitable (when R is somewhere between 1.25 and 2 times the Schwarzschild radius).

    So when can we expect the collapse? Looking at previous destructive patterns of behaviour within the aforementioned groups, I'm predicting 'months').

    1. you thought they would gain that mass in a few months and collapse? might need to clean your telescope



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