About this blog etc

this is a blog about my church and faith experience; reflections on what it has been, and hopes for what the future may be

it tries to take a generous view - not really interested in whittling things down to one particular form or expression and claiming its the only right way do things - even though a commitment to orthodoxy - as defined by what most of the church has believed for most of history - underlies all this.

my experience has included a variety of church expressions (charismatic, evangelical, vineyard,  Pentecostal,  home-church networks,  and  a 7 year stint of teaching in Catholic parish school ) - and all that informs some of the discussion. Questions of church organisation also come into it.

quite possibly some of this is undercooked,  its certainly a work in progress

A friend has been pointing me at NT Wright, and having started to read his material, it seems very calibrated to stablise and deepen some of my approaches :)

Rob Costello


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